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Capturing real-time emotional flexibility performance in high and low ruminators.

Digital Mind

Mouse-tracking studies are successfully incorporated into psychology, where the route of the mouse cursor in a computer is analyzed to provide information regarding different processes. In the present lab we are seeking to investigate this method by incorporating it into the Emotional Shifting Task (EST) that measures Emotional Flexibility.


This task consists of images of humans in a social context, with either a positive or a negative valence.  The participants view the images, and choose whether the images are positive or negative.  In this task, participants are initially shown an incomplete part of the image.  Participants need to answer whether their emotional response remains the same when the full image is shown, or whether it shifts.


Rumination is the obsessional thinking involving excessive, repetitive thoughts or themes that interfere with other forms of mental activity (APA dictionary).


"The novelty of the study is the modified EST that implements a mouse-track design allowing us to capture the level of hesitation, by making it feasible to seize the process of emotional shifting in real time." (Brigitte Biró. PhD Student, Research Assistant)

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