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Brigitte Biró. PhD Student, Research Assistant

I am a Ph.D. student at Eötvös Loránd University, in the Clinical Psychology and Addiction Program with an interest in the behavioural, physiological, and neural background of emotional flexibility.


I graduated as a psychologist at the University of Pécs. During my MA studies I received the Fellowship granted by the Republic and was awarded with Kriszbacher Ildikó Talent Fellowship on two occasions. I am interested as well in developing, designing, and programming new psychological paradigms on the field of cognitive and affective psychology. Out of the “borders” of the University I work as a psychologist with children and young adults implementing elements of complex art therapy and mindfulness based cognitive therapy. My hobbies mostly include outdoor activities such as hiking, running, horseback riding, and yoga but I also enjoy reading and listening to music.


Research topics:


My main focus is on the different aspects of emotional flexibility that is the ability to give an adequate emotional response to the constantly changing environmental and contextual demands (Beshai, Prentice & Huang, 2017). The ability to effectively shift between different emotions can reduce negative effects, stress and depression while enhancing communication and positive emotions (Lipsenthal, 2009).



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